Reference Name City / Country Date
184242 GünerTemur , .
Fransa / Romanya
11.6.2022 01:19:20
184242 - We are looking for Stock Clothing products and Stock home textiles for Hypermarkets chain in France
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Advertisement No:184242 Ä°mage No-00149389- ; 

We are looking for Stock Clothing products and Stock home textiles for Hypermarkets chain in France

.To the attention of sellers of surplus garments, Sellers of stock textile products

We have 282 stores belonging to our company in France. Our chain of stores are big discount stores.

We have 40 years of experience. Our stores are big discount stores and we are the leader in the European market in the field of the concept we work with.
We are constantly working with more than 100 000 suppliers. We can work with you continuously.

We offer you an offer for the products that you cannot evaluate.
We are coming as the last solution.
We can buy products in large volumes, for example on the basis of containers. As we are a Clearance company,
ie roughly '' tank cleaning '', our concept and aim, what you have left,
or we offer a total offer for your products whose sales are very slow.
We try to sell such products in only 4 weeks in our stores.

- Overproduction (overstock)
- Defective packaging products
- Packaging change
- Products with close expiration date
- Products rejected from stores
- Unsold items from old collections, seasons or previous years;
- End of series, or series broken products;
- Order cancellation products;
- Products with minor manufacturing defects;

Excess garments buyer, Excess garments buyers, Party-made garments buyers, Stock textile products buyers, Excess warehouse textiles buyers, End-of-season textiles buyers

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