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Advertisement No:275402 İmage No-00291562- ;
1000 Kg Canlar HT Fabric Dyeing machine will be sold +90 506 909 5419 Whatsapp
2008 Model Canlar HT Dyeing Machine, 1000 Kg Canlar fabric dyeing machine will be sold
We are a supplier of second-hand textile machinery in every capacity such as Textile Dyeing Machines, Textile Finishing Machines, Textile Finishing Machines, Fabric Printing Machines, Textile Washing Machines, Steam Boilers, Hot Oil Boilers etc.
You can check the sales advertisements of Textile Dyeing Machines, Textile Finishing Machines, Fabric Printing Machines, Textile Washing Machines, Steam Boilers and Hot Oil Boilers for Sale etc. by logging in from the link below