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Company No:40493 Image No-007- ; 

Pnömatik sistem hava ile çalışır. Çift kalıp özelliği sayesinde zaman kaybını minimuma indirir. Bir baskı işini yaparken diğer kalıpta yeni baskılar hazırlayabilirsiniz. Dijital termostat ile hassas ısı kontrolü sağlanır. Dijital saniye sayacı ile istediğiniz saniyeye ayarlayıp kaç saniye baskı uygulanacağını belirleyebilirsiniz. Baskı ayar özelliğine sahiptir. Çift tablalı olup, sağa ve sola otomatik giderek dikine baskı yapar.

Attention to Industry Members

»You could publish all types of raw material, semi-finishing, finishing products etc you use in the production (for example yarn, fabric, accesory, packing materials and all types of consumables) in buying advertisements section of free of charge by indicating your consumed amounts. Therefore, you could have the possibility of cost reduction as per offers incoming to your company.

You will have possibility of openning new horizons to your company as free of charge in all your industrial related search by publishing your company introduction in english, by linking to your web site in the publishing in english. Also same oppotunity by publishing your overseas inquiries and offers in our classified advertisement section.

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