Firma Tanıtım Sayfası
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26803 - Dinamik IsI

Firma Ürün ve Hizmet Çeşitleri;

Polietilen Boru ve Levha: polyethilene pipes and sheets Alüminyum Folyo KaplI Polietilen Boru ve Levha: aluminium foil coated polyethylene pipes and sheets Kauçuk Köpüğü Boru ve Levha: rubber foam pipes and sheets Camyünü Prefabrik Boru, Levha, Şilte: glass wool prefabricated pipes, sheets, mats Taşyünü Prefabrik Boru, Levha, Şilte: Rockwool prefabricated pipes, sheets, mats Extrude Polistren, levha: extruded polystren plates Vana YalItIm Ceketleri: valve isolation Jacket Akustik Piramit Ses Yutucu Köpükler: sound absorbing acoustic pyramid foam Yanmaz Akustik Köpük: fireproof acoustic foam HavalandIrma YardImcI Ürünleri, Bantlar, AskI Pimleri Ventilation assistant products, tapes, hanger pins Tesisat Hava KanalI AskI: hangers for air installation channels Taşyünü Prefabrik Boru, Levha, Şilte: Rockwool prefabricated pipes, sheets, mats Extrude Polistren, iç ve DIş Duvar: Extruded Polystyrene for inside walls and outside walls Vana YalItIm Ceketleri: valve isolation Jacket YapI KimyasallarI: construction chemicals Döşeme AltI Darbe Sesi Kesici Polietilen Köpük: polyethylene underfloor foam for impact sound absorbtion Flexible Hava KanallarI ve AksesuarlarI: Flexible air channels and accessories Klima HavalandIrma Kana : air conditioner ventilation channels

Firma No : NTX 26803 - RESİM 1
Firma No : NTX 26803 - RESİM 2

Firma Faaliyet Alanları ;

Polietilen Boru ve Levha: polyethilene pipes and sheets Alüminyum Folyo KaplI Polietilen Boru ve Levha: aluminium foil coated polyethylene pipes and sheets Kauçuk Köpüğü Boru ve Levha: rubber foam pipes and sheets Camyünü Prefabrik Boru, Levha, Şilte: glass wool prefabricated pipes, sheets, mats Taşyünü Prefabrik Boru, Levha, Şilte: Rockwool prefabricated pipes, sheets, mats Extrude Polistren, levha: extruded polystren plates Vana YalItIm Ceketleri: valve isolation Jacket Akustik Piramit Ses Yutucu Köpükler: sound absorbing acoustic pyramid foam Yanmaz Akustik Köpük: fireproof acoustic foam HavalandIrma YardImcI Ürünleri, Bantlar, AskI Pimleri Ventilation assistant products, tapes, hanger pins Tesisat Hava KanalI AskI: hangers for air installation channels Taşyünü Prefabrik Boru, Levha, Şilte: Rockwool prefabricated pipes, sheets, mats Extrude Polistren, iç ve DIş Duvar: Extruded Polystyrene for inside walls and outside walls Vana YalItIm Ceketleri: valve isolation Jacket YapI KimyasallarI: construction chemicals Döşeme AltI Darbe Sesi Kesici Polietilen Köpük: polyethylene underfloor foam for impact sound absorbtion Flexible Hava KanallarI ve AksesuarlarI: Flexible air channels and accessories Klima HavalandIrma Kana : air conditioner ventilation channels

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Mustafa Kemal Paşa Mahallesi Yıldırım Beyazıt Caddesi Demet Sokak No 135/11
Avcılar / İSTANBUL
Tel:0553 951 31 34
0506 909 54 19